Generate Log-base 10 sequence of values to be used in conjunction with axis_fun when plotting log data
# S3 method for scale.fun
log(val, type)
range of values
major or minor
a function that provides major and minor ticks with labels on a log scale
see axis() and axis_fun() function
if (FALSE) {
# set.seed(36)
# x.val=exp(rlnorm(100))
# y.val=exp(rlnorm(100))
# xlim.val=c(1,100)
# ylim.val=c(1,5000)
# plot(y.val~x.val,ylim=ylim.val,xlim=xlim.val,log="xy",yaxt="n",xaxt="n")
# axis_fun(1,log.scale.fun(xlim.val,"major"),log.scale.fun(xlim.val,"minor"),log.scale.fun(xlim.val,"major"))
# axis_fun(2,log.scale.fun(ylim.val,"major"),log.scale.fun(ylim.val,"minor"),log.scale.fun(ylim.val,"major"))