• Added a NEWS.md file to track changes to the package.

  • Submitted to CRAN (2021-02-16)

  • troubleshooted some minor errors in cenpermanova functions (reported mean value) (2021-04-08)

  • troubleshooted some minor errors in cboxplot functions (plotting) (2021-04-21)

  • troubleshooted some additional minor errors in cenpermanova function (printing group means) (2021-04-29)

  • Submitted to CRAN (2021-04-29)
  • Minor edit to ROSci function to reduce dependencies on the original NADA package

  • Added PollenThia dataset

  • Submitted to CRAN (2022-04-05)

  • Minor edits to functions (2022-09-01)

  • Added additional example data sets (2022-09-01)

  • Added centrendsea function (2022-09-01)

  • Finalized vignette (2022-09-01)

  • Submitted to CRAN (2022-09-02)

  • Minor edits to typos (2023-01-19)

  • fixed cen_paired double results printing (2023-01-19)

  • Update cencorreg.R function (2023-01-27)
  • Minor bug fix for cencorreg.R function (2023-01-31)
  • Minor change to censeaken.R and kenplot.R to allow for some customization of plot using … in the function (2023-04-13)

  • Minor change to cboxplot.R to fix factor grouping, added detection limit lty and col arguments (2023-04-13)

  • Minor update due to changes to EnvStats (2023-10-20)
  • Fixed bug in cfit.R regarding reporting of quantiles (2024-02-23)

  • adjusted functions that depend on cfit(...) like cen1way(...)

  • added the argument drawplot to ATS and centrend to make plot drawing optional.