Performs clustering of a matrix of 0s and 1s, ie. the censoring indicator columns for multiple variables. If there are multiple detection limits within a column first convert the 0/1 designated to be Below vs Above the highest detection limit in the column. Detection limits may differ among columns.
binaryClust(dat.frame, method = "ward.D2", group = NULL, ncluster = NULL)
A data frame containing only the 0/1 columns, one column per chemical parameter.
Method of forming clusters. The default is "ward.D2"
, which is appropriate for a variety of types of data. Another appropriate option is “average”
– average distances between cluster centers. See the vegan package for other possible clustering methods.
Optional grouping variable. If used, sites being clustered will be represented by their group name, rather than by the row number.
Optional number of clusters to be differentiated on the graph. Clusters are fenced off with rectangles.
Prints a cluster dendrogram based on clustering method
Helsel, D.R., 2011. Statistics for Censored Environmental Data using Minitab and R, 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, USA, N.J.
# without group specified
# With Group argument